November 2018 — News & Articles — Luxury Sea Boats Charter

Fishing in Dubai

November 27, 2018
Coming on vacation in Dubai and not going fishing in the Arabaian Gulf is a huge omission not only for the strong fishermen, but also for anyone who is ready to enjoy the fresh wind, salty spray and the excitement of hunting for the inhabitants of the deep sea.  Continue reading →
Wake Dubai website opened

November 26, 2018
Our new project for renting wakeboard and wakesurf boats is in full operation. We launched the new website , Instagram and Facebook page. Subscribe to our updates on Instagram and Facebook . Follow the news and send your photos and videos. We will be glad to place them on our pages. Continue reading →
Magnificent Dubai

November 15, 2018
In the heart of the desert along the coast of the Arabian Gulf located the pearl of the UAE — the incredibly beautiful city of Dubai. The city gives to his guests an indelible impression of the stunning futuristic skyscrapers, man-made islands in the coastal waters and boat trips through the many canals of the metropolis.  Continue reading →